Having an EIN (Employment Identification Number) is a mandatory step for your business. An EIN authenticates your company to banks, administrative institutions, and the IRS.
In order to obtain an EIN number, it is necessary that you are in possession of the Articles of Organization of your company.
Forming your company means paying the Registered Agent fee and the incorporation fee to the Secretary of State.
It is necessary to fill out the SS4 form: https: //www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fss4.pdf
Filling out this document is tedious and requires the skills of an accomplished formalist. This is why the ExpertLLCUSA.com team is here to help you.
You will need to provide the following information when requesting an EIN:
- The name of the person in charge of the business (usually the business owner);
- Social Security Number, Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, or Employer Identification Number of the responsible party;
- Company name;
- Company mailing address;
- Type of business entity - whether it is a corporation, partnership, etc. (Additional details are required for some business entity structures) ;
- Reason for requesting an EIN;
- The date of creation or acquisition of the company;
- The number of employees employed or expected to be employed in the next 12 months;
- The date you will begin paying wages;
- Type of business (construction, manufacturing, retail, etc.) and business activity (computer sales, home repair services, etc.)
You must fax this form to the IRS and wait for it to be processed.
After your LLC is formed, you'll want to grow your business instead of getting bogged down in IRS paperwork. That's where we can help.
The EIN should arrive within 15-45 days.
Please note: ExpertLLCUSA can obtain your EIN number in less than 48 hours. It is necessary for our teams to perform an Express EIN. Do not hesitate to contact our team to establish a quote.
ExpertLLCUSA's tax specialists will accompany you in all your steps. The recognized know-how of our teams is without equal.
It is possible for our teams to receive your EIN in less than 48 hours. To guarantee this promise, we will give a full refund to the customer if we do not receive the said EIN within 48 hours.
Make an appointment directly with a specialist to discuss your situation.