Take advantage of our exclusive offer: the first year of U.S. tax returns offered for the COMFORT and PREMIUM offers!

Our tax return service for real estate LLCs

Expert LLC USA is a team of formalists who have been specializing in U.S. real estate LLC tax returns for over 10 years.

Beyond the practical aspects and the customized management of your entity, our tax return service for real estate LLCs allows you to make tax savings on your rental income .

Basic real estate LLC tax returns: $1,299

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Drafting of a support letter to the IRS
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Completion of the necessary forms for the tax returns of a real estate LLC

Premium LLC real estate tax returns: $2,999 (CPA)

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Drafting of a support letter to the IRS
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Completion of the necessary forms for the tax returns of a real estate LLC
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Completion of your real estate LLC's tax returns by an American CPA (accountant) with signature (carrying professional responsibility towards the American administration).

Why entrust your tax returns to an LLC USA expert?

A professional service

Faire appel à un préparateurs de taxes professionnel est primordial afin de ne faire aucune erreur ou omission lors de la réalisation et du dépôt de vos déclarations fiscales américaines ou françaises.

One should not minimize the obligation of declarations, which is very severely punished by the IRS.

A tailor-made accompaniment

Au-delà de la simple formalité de la préparation des formulaires, votre chargé d'affaires vous propose un accompagnement sur-mesure en identifiant les possibles crédits d'impôt US afin d'optimiser votre situation fiscale ou les potentielles charges déductibles dans le cadre de votre activité professionnelle.

Through an appointment, one of our team specialists will accompany you in all your obligations by optimizing your tax result of your American LLC.

Who are we? 

Nous accompagnons depuis plus de 15 ans les expatriés français aux Etats-Unis et les US person résidents en France. Egalement, nous accompagnons les associés non résidents d'une LLC américiane afin d'effectuer leurs déclarations fiscales.

Our top-of-the-line support, worthy of a major international firm, is offered at a reduced price, with support over the long term.

How is it different from an ABP? 

Our tax preparers have been trained by leading US accounting firms.

If the use of a CPA seems necessary to your Expert LLC USA specialist, we will redirect you to partner accounting firms to :

  • Validate your tax scheme;
  • Signing of U.S. tax returns by the CPA (with liability);
  • Write a protective return in case of a contentious ETBUS / Non-ETBUS situation, or in case of 1040 NR.

I would like to be accompanied by an expert for my tax returns

Are you interested in our offers? Click on the button below to talk to a specialist for a free quote, so that you can benefit from our tailor-made support.


Do you have any questions? 

Do not hesitate to make a free appointment directly with one of our specialists!
Make a free appointment with a specialist
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